christopher hodapp
La franc-maçonnerie vite et bien pour les nuls
Philippe Benhamou
- Pour les nuls
- 18 Juin 2020
- 9782412058879
La franc-maçonnerie en 200 notions illustrées ! Que diriez-vous de découvrir dans un seul et même livre comment la franc-maçonnerie moderne s'est constituée au siècle des Lumières, que ce sont des rites organisés en " degrés " qui permettent à un franc-maçon de progresser, ou encore que les symboles utilisés par la franc-maçonnerie sont empruntés aux métiers des bâtisseurs de cathédrales ? C'est ce que vous proposent les Nuls en 200 notions illustrées avec ce tour d'horizon de l'histoire de la franc-maçonnerie à travers les âges. Vous saurez tout sur des thèmes aussi variés que les loges, les enseignements secrets, les obédiences, les symboles... Le tout en un seul livre !
Unravel the mysteries of the Masons All the myths and rumors about Masonic organizations probably have you wondering "what do Masons really do?" Questions like this one are a natural by-product of being the oldest and largest "secret society" in the world. This book is an ideal starting place to find answers to your questions about the secret and not-so-secret things about Freemasonry. Now in its third edition, this international best-seller peeks behind the door of your local Masonic lodge and explains the meanings behind the rituals, rites, and symbols of the organization. Along the way the book covers nearly 3,000 years of Masonic history, introduces you to some famous Freemasons you already know from history books, and explains the relationship with related groups like Knights Templar, Scottish Rite, Order of Eastern Star, and the beloved fez-wearing Shriners. Look inside the book to learn: What it takes to become a member of the Freemasons, and what you can expect when you join How Lodges are organized and what really goes on during Masonic ceremonies The basic beliefs and philosophies of Freemasonry, including how Masons contribute to charity, and society in general The origins behind some of the wild myths and conspiracy theories surrounding Freemasonry and how to debunk (most of) them Written by a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason and the Public Relations and Marketing Director for the Grand Lodge F&AM of Indiana, Freemasons For Dummies is a must-read guide for anyone interested in this ancient fraternal order, whether you're looking to join or are just curious about some of the more mysterious aspects of Freemasonry.
A captivating look into the medieval (and modern day) society of the Knights Templar The Templar Code is more than an intriguing cipher or a mysterious symbol - it's the Code by which the Knights Templar lived and died, the Code that bound them together in secrecy, and the Code that inspired them to nearly superhuman feats of courage and endurance.?If you know a little or a lot about the Templars, read The Da Vinci Code (or saw the movie), or are a Catholic wanting to know the church's official stance on the Templars, you're in the right place. The Templar Code For Dummies?reveals the meaning behind the cryptic codes and secret rituals of the medieval brotherhood of warrior monks known as the Knights Templar. With this comprehensive and user-friendly guide, you'll learn: What part the Knights Templar played in the Crusades How the Order started as protectors of pilgrims The myths of the Holy Grail, and how they're connected to the Knights Templar How the Knights Templar rose so high and fell so far How the fraternity of the Freemasons' modern Order of Knights Templar figures in Why the Catholic Church didn't like Dan Brown's version of the Templar story The Catholic Church's relationship with women and the connection with the Knights Why the Knights Templar still captures our imagination today Whether the Knights had a real part to play in historic events such as the French Revolution and the American Civil War You can learn about all of that and so much more, including sites where the Holy Grail might actually be, what you can't miss if you're sightseeing in Templar territory, and potential hiding places of Templar treasures. Get your copy of The Templar Code For Dummies?to learn more about the fascinating history of this intriguing group of knights.
Conspiracy Theories and Secret Societies For Dummies
Alice Von Kannon
- For Dummies
- 4 Février 2011
- 9781118052020
What do Skull and Bones, the Kennedys, and UFOs all have in common? They're all shrouded in mystery and conspiracies Entering the world of conspiracy theories and secret societies is like stepping into a distant, parallel universe where the laws of physics don't apply and everything you know is wrong: black is white, up is down. If you want to understand what's really going on - from fluoridated water and chemtrails to alien autopsies, free electricity, and more - you need a good reference book, and that's where Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies comes in. Whether you're a skeptic or a true believer, this fascinating guide, packed with the latest information, walks you through some of the most infamous conspiracy theories - such as Area 51, the assassination of JFK, and reptilian humanoids - and introduces you to such mysterious organizations as the Freemasons, the Ninjas, the Illuminati, the Mafia, and Rosicrucians. This behind-the-curtain guide helps you separate fact from fiction and provides insight into the global impact these mysterious events and groups have had on our modern world. Discover how to: Test a conspiracy theory Spot a sinister secret society Assess the Internet's role in fueling conspiracy theories Explore world domination schemes Evaluate 9/11 conspiracy theories Figure out who "they" are Grasp the model on which conspiracy theories are built Figure out whether what "everybody knows" is true Distinguish one assassination brotherhood from another Understand why there's no such thing as a "lone assassin" Additionally, you can read about some conspiracy theories that turned out to be true (like the CIA's LSD experiments), theories that seem beyond the pale (such as the deliberate destruction of the space shuttle Columbia), and truly weird secret societies (Worshippers of the Onion and nine more). Grab your own copy of Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies and decide for yourself what is fact and what is a conspiracy.
Freimaurer Lüften Sie das Geheimnis des Geheimbunds Undurchsichtige Rituale, rätselhafte Symbole und zahl-reiche Verschwrungstheorien: Geheimbünde üben auf die Gesellschaft eine große Faszination aus, so ist das auch bei den Freimaurern. Christopher Hodapp lüftet die Geheimnisse dieses Bundes und erklärt die Philosophie, den Glauben und die Symbole der Freimaurerei. Er geht auch auf die Gründung der Bruderschaft ein und natürlich erklärt er, was es mit den unterschiedlichen Verschwrungs theorien auf sich hat. Sie lernen außerdem berühmte Freimaurer aus Kunst und Politik kennen und erfahren, wie die Freimaurerei die heutige Gesellschaft beeinflusst. Sie erfahren: Was es mit den Logen auf sich hat Welche wichtigen Regeln Freimaurer einhalten müssen Warum uns die Freimaurerei seit Jahrhunderten so fasziniert Wie man in eine Loge aufgenommen wird
Make yourself at home on the road Live down by the beach one week and way up in the mountains the next? It sounds like an impossible dream, but motor-homers do it all the time. Whatever draws you to the mobile life-adventurous domestic vacations or permanently itchy feet-RVs & Campers For Dummies helps you feel right at home. The book explores the key aspects of glamping-with-wheels. Discover how it's possible to bring beauty spots right to your doorstep without sacrificing domestic comforts like a comfy bed, private bathroom, and wholesome, healthy home cooking! In a down-home, friendly style, mobile-living veterans and husband-and-wife team Christopher Hodapp and Alice Von Kannon welcome you inside to discover everything from deciding to rent or buy the vehicle that best suits your needs to planning and prepping your first journey and then setting yourself up wherever you arrive at the perfect spot. Along the way you'll learn how to adapt your driving skills to pilot your home on the road, as well as how to keep every aspect of it shipshape and ready for action. Explore your RV and camper options Stock up with the right supplies Get a snapshot of the mobile home lifestyle Troubleshoot common problems Getting there is half the fun-and this guide shows you how to do it safely and in style. So, buckle up (or relax in the back) ... it's going to be a wild but incredibly comfortable ride!
Hit the open road with help from expert travelers Keep RV Vacations For Dummies by your side as you navigate the highways of the United States and Canada. (But don't read and drive.) This Dummies guide will clue you into the most RV-ready roads, camp sites, and attractions to make planning your journey a bit easier. Choose from journeys through New England, the American heartland, the Rocky Mountains, or any of the other adventures detailed in this book. Get to know the can't-miss tourist attractions and the best places to park while you enjoy time off the road. This updated edition features all-new maps of the RV-friendliest routes out there, plus the latest on post-pandemic destinations. Ready, set, RV! Learn the art of planning an RV vacation that won't wear you out Hook up your RV at campsites and explore local attractions Find a list of popular RV routes and cool places to visit Be prepared for mechanical issues and other hiccups in your travel plans This Dummies guide is a must for RV owners and RV renters in need of guidance on well-planned travel routes, campground destinations, and attractions.