businessnews publishing
630 produits trouvés
The must-read summary of Alice Schroeder's book: "The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life".
This complete summary of the ideas from Alice Schroeder's book "The Snowball" recounts the fascinating success story and biography of one of most respected men in the world, Warren Buffett. In fact, this American icon has never told his full life story, but he has allowed Alice Schroeder open access to his life, struggles and triumphs. This summary explores his real philosophy and it reveals his complex personality as well as the details of his life. Based on interviews with Buffett himself as well as with friends, family members and business associates, this revealing biography gives an unprecedented look at the hidden life of the man known as "The Oracle of Omaha".
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand the key ideas
o Increase your business knowledge
To learn more, read "The Snowball" and discover the story behind the success of Warren Buffett. -
The must-read summary of Kenneth McGee's book: "Heads Up: How to Anticipate Business Surprises and Seize Opportunities First".
This complete summary of the ideas from Kenneth McGee's book "Heads Up" shows how there is no such thing as a genuine "surprise" in business - every potential disaster-in-the-making has some advance warnings. In his book, the author explains that the key to picking up these signs is to use real-time data to your advantage, rather than getting swamped by the masses of marginal-value data. This summary demonstrates exactly how to do this and how to drive out uncertainty.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Heads Up" and discover how to use data to your advantage and take control of your future destiny. -
Summary: Code Name Ginger
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- 28 Juillet 2014
- 9782511015247
The must-read summary of Steve Kemper's book: "Code Name Ginger: The Story Behind Segway and Dean Kamen's Quest to Invent a New World".
This complete summary of the ideas from Steve Kemper's book "Code Name Ginger" tells the story of Dean Kamen and his success in creating his own R&D company, DEKA. In his book, the author reveals the sources of his success and his journey to get there. This summary provides an insight into how one man turned a pipe dream into a reality, using unique technology to make the world a better place and leading to a deeply moving and inspiring story.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Code Name Ginger" and discover one of the most heart-warming stories behind a business. -
Summary: Equity
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- Must Read Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806242488
The must-read summary of Corey Rosen, John Case and Martin Staubus' book: "Equity: Why Employee Ownership is Good for Business".
This complete summary of the ideas from Corey Rosen, John Case and Martin Staubus' book "Equity" shows how many companies are still failing to pick up on the competitive advantages offered by employee ownership - faster growth, higher profitability and better resilience in times of economic downturn. In their book, the authors make a strong case for the practice of making employees true partners in a firm's success by giving them a significant equity stake in the business enterprise. By reading this summary, you will realise the benefits that this concept can bring for your company and how you can implement it.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Equity" and discover why you should decide to offer employees an equity stake in your company. -
Summary: Executing Your Strategy
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- Must Read Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806242662
The must-read summary of Mark Morgan, Raymond Levitt and William Malek's book: "Executing Your Strategy: How to Break It Down and Get It Done"
This complete summary of the ideas from Mark Morgan, Raymond Levitt and William Malek's book "Executing Your Strategy" shows that the days when executives could concentrate on formulating a brilliant corporate strategy which was then left to others to execute are probably gone forever. Today, corporate strategy needs to be carefully aligned with the actual day-to-day activities of the organisation and deliberate investment in the right projects in order to produce superior results.To be more specific, strategic execution will only happen when six essential domains are in alignment with each other and also with the external environment. These six domains are Ideation, Nature, Vision, Engagement, Synthesis and Transition (I-N-V-E-S-T). This summary explains to the reader how to create better alignment between these imperatives.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Increase your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Executing Your Strategy" and discover real-world examples and fresh insights, and then get things done in your own organisation. -
Summary: Financial Intelligence - Karen Berman and Joe Knight
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- Must Read Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806242785
The must-read summary of Karen Berman and Joe Knight's book: "Financial Intelligence: A Manager's Guide to Knowing What the Numbers Really Mean".
This complete summary of the ideas from Karen Berman and Joe Knight's book "Financial Intelligence" shows how everyone in business should acquire a set of skills and attitudes about finance. In their book, the authors have included stories of real life businesses and provided the financial knowledge that you need in order to become financially intelligent. This summary is an excellent guide for non-financial managers who want to gain a better understanding of the basics of finance.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your financial skills
To learn more, read "Financial Intelligence" and take the first step on your path to becoming a financially intelligent manager. -
Summary: Five Minds for the Future
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- Must Read Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806242860
The must-read summary of Howard Gardner's book: "Five Minds for the Future".
This complete summary of the ideas from Howard Gardner's book "Five Minds for the Future" shows how the marketplace of the 21st century is certain to feature accelerating globalisation, rapid increases in the amount of information which is available and stunning breakthroughs in science and technology. But what will it take to succeed in that kind of world? In his book, the author explains that there are five types of cognitive abilities which are certain to command a premium in the years ahead. By reading this summary, you will learn how to apply these abilities and excel in the future.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your skills
To learn more, read "Five Minds for the Future" and discover the cognitive abilities that you need to develop today in order to be successful in the future. -
Summary: Future Wealth
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- Must Read Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806243065
The must-read summary of Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer's book: "Future Wealth".
This complete summary of the ideas from Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer's book "Future Wealth" shows how a deep and radical realignment in the way wealth is created is currently underway. The overall impact of this realignment is that ordinary individuals will take greater control of their own financial futures as they become the central players in the new economy. In their book, the authors explain how individuals will come to understand the true market value of their own human capital - their skills and know-how. This summary explains how these changes will have a direct impact on the way society is structured, leading to a future that everyone will want to be a part of.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Future Wealth" and find out the changes that are in store for the future and how this will have an impact on your future finances. -
Summary: Getting to Plan B
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- Must Read Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806243324
The must-read summary of John Mullins and Randy Komisar's book "Getting to Plan B: Breaking Through to a Better Business Model".
This complete summary of the ideas from John Mullins and Randy Komisar's book "Getting to Plan B" shows how many businesses start out with one business plan in mind, but end up being successful doing something entirely different. In their book, the authors explain how you need to speed up the process of discovery. Even before you put pen to paper to write your business plan, test the five key components of your proposed model and get them right first. This way, you can start out with your revised and improved Plan B, saving you the time you would have spent trying to get your original plan A to work. This summary is filled with real life examples and useful tips to guide you in creating your perfect Plan B business plan.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business concepts
To learn more, read "Getting to Plan B" and make your first business plan the best it can be. -
Summary: Information Rules
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806247278
The must-read summary of Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian's book: "Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy".
This complete summary of Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian's book "Information Rules" reveals that the assumption that informational goods are subject to different economic laws is false. New guidelines and theories are simply re-worked versions of principles already established in the past and, therefore, an understanding of these proven theories and how to apply them to the informational world is needed. In their book, the authors explain what laws are still enforced and how you can apply them in a technological context. This summary banishes the myths and misconceptions surrounding information businesses and explains how you can avoid falling into the trap.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Information Rules" and discover the truth about information businesses that you need to know. -
Summary: Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths and Total Nonsense
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806246486
The must-read summary of Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton's book: "Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths and Total Nonsense: Profiting from Evidence-Based Management".
This complete summary of the ideas from Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton's book "Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths and Total Nonsense" shows how managing a business profitably is hard work, with intense pressures, incomplete information and new ideas that come along every day. Under these conditions, it isn't surprising that many managers sometimes fall victim to "miracle" cures for management challenges or simply adopt the "best practices" of other companies. In their book, the authors explain how this often leads to poor-quality decisions being made that end up wasting time and money. According to Pfeffer and Sutton, the best way is to use "evidence-based management". This summary demonstrates the fundamentals of this approach and how you can apply it to your management techniques to make smart decisions on the pressing issues.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your management skills
To learn more, read "Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths and Total Nonsense" and find out how to apply the best strategies for your business. -
The must-read summary of George Stalk and Rob Lachenauer's book: "Hardball: Are You Playing to Play or Playing to Win?".
This complete summary of the ideas from George Stalk and Rob Lachenauer's book "Hardball" shows how companies that play business hardball aren't content with just having a competitive advantage. Instead, they work hard to create a virtuous cycle that will take them far beyond the reach of their competitors. In their book, the authors explain how this strategy of seizing and finding ways to enhance a competitive advantage is how the game of business is supposed to be played. This summary redefines the meaning of competition in business and is a must-read for today's industry players.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your competitive skills
To learn more, read "Hardball" and discover the key to playing on the business field and coming out on top. -
Summary: Blown to Bits
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- 28 Juillet 2014
- 9782511015148
The must-read summary of Philip Evans and Thomas Wurster's book: "Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy".
This complete summary of the ideas from Philip Evans and Thomas Wurster's book "Blown to Bits" argues that within most traditional business models, there is a trade-off between richness and reach. In their book, the authors highlight that the Internet has the ability to remove this trade-off by being able to deliver a 'rich' product to a greater 'reach' of the general market. This summary will demonstrate that in order to achieve this, companies do not need a new set of strategic principles, but a realignment of those already existing.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Blown to Bits" and find out how you can start taking advantage of the Internet to improve your flow of information and benefit your business. -
The must-read summary of Charles O'Reilly III and Jeffrey Pfeffer's book: "Hidden Value: How Great Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results with Ordinary People".
This complete summary of the ideas from Charles O'Reilly III and Jeffrey Pfeffer's book "Hidden Value" shows how hiring new people takes time, and therefore money. A far more effective strategy is to do everything possible to utilize your existing talent. In their book, the authors explain how you can cultivate this philosophy, using concrete examples from real life companies. This summary demonstrates with simple measures, it is possible to maintain vibrancy, create loyalty and have clear, well-articulated values which will spread throughout your organisation.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your business knowledge
To learn more, read "Hidden Value" and discover how you can start making the most of the talent you already have in your company. -
Summary: The Road Ahead
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- 14 Octobre 2014
- 9782511018736
The must-read summary of Bill Gates' book: "The Road Ahead: How the Emerging Technologies of the Digital Age Will Transform Everyone's Lives".
This complete summary of the ideas from Bill Gates' book "The Road Ahead" explains how the emerging technologies of the information highway have the ability to transform the life of every person on the planet. In his book, the author highlights the twelve points that will feature in the road ahead and why you should be prepared to face them.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Understand key concepts
o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "The Road Ahead" and understand how the information economy is set to change the way we do business, work, learn and communicate forever.
Summary : Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn - John C. Maxwell
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- 1 Octobre 2014
- 9782511024232
This work offers a summary of the book: « Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn: Life's Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses » by John C. Maxwell.
Summary of the ideas in John C. Maxwell's book: « Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn » explains that you learn more from your losses than from your successes. Hence, the key is to approach your losses the right way. This summary highlights 11 steps to learn from your losses:
1) Be humble - have the spirit of learning
2) Accept reality as the bedrock of learning
3) Be responsible- always a great first step
4) Stay focused on learning to improve
5) Be optimistic that better days lie ahead
6) Always be teachable and wiling to learn
7) Use adversity as a catalyst for learning
8) View problems as opportunities to learn
9) Let bad experiences give perspective
10) Be willing to pay the price and change
11) Have the maturity you value all you learn
Added- value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand the key concepts
To learn more read « Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn » and enjoy the full-time informal school called life. -
Summary: If You're Not First, You're Last
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806247162
The must-read summary of Grant Cardone's book: "If You're Not First, You're Last: Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition".
This complete summary of the ideas from Grant Cardone's book "If You're Not First, You're Last" shows that almost all the benefits in business go to whoever is first in your market. It's obvious, therefore, that you should be consistently and aggressively moving towards that target. In his book, the author explains that in order to do this, you will need to be active and make business decisions with your goal in mind. This summary presents the five building blocks that you can use in the "advance and conquer" system and how easy they are to implement.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Increase your business knowledge
To learn more, "If You're Not First, You're Last" and discover the key to conquering the market. -
Summary: Hidden in Plain Sight - Erich Joachimsthaler
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- 1 Février 2013
- 9782806246561
This work offers a summary of the book "HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: How to Find and Execute Your Company's Next Big Growth Strategy" by Erich Joachimstahler.
"For the last twenty-five years," says Eric Joachimsthaler, "I have investigated why some innovations, business models, business strategies, and marketing and branding tactics hit the mark, and why others do idea has surfaced consistently: the biggest, best, brightest, and most successful opportunities for innovation and growth are right here, in front of us, and we often don't see them or act on them."
He explains in Hidden In Plain Sight how to spot and act on opportunities. He suggests to take an "outside in" approach, and looking at the product from the consumer's point of view. Do not focus on getting a better product, but on creating change in their life; attach the most importance not to what people say, but on what they do, and how they do it.
Joachimsthaler includes a quote from Henry Ford: "If I had asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me they wanted a faster horse." In other words, make the effort to challenge existing assumptions, even those of your consumer. Hidden In Plain Sight demonstrates in practical ways how to do that. -
Summary: How Breakthroughs Happen
Businessnews Publishing
- Business Book Summaries
- 15 Février 2013
- 9782806246684
The must-read summary of Andrew Hargadon's book: "How Breakthroughs Happen: the Surprising Truth About How Companies Innovate".
This complete summary of the ideas from Andrew Hargadon's book "How Breakthroughs Happen" explains how very few business innovations come from a 'lightbulb moment'. In reality, these breakthroughs are the result of 'technology brokering', where the ideas from one industry are implemented into another. In his book, the author explains exactly how this brokering can be done and just how achievable it is. By reading this summary and applying the advice, you will discover how you can make improvements for the future by learning from the past.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand key concepts
o Expand your capacity for innovation
To learn more, read "How Breakthroughs Happen" which reveals the innovation secrets from some of the world's top companies and how you can have your own breakthrough. -
Summary : indivisible (review and analysis of Martha Zoller's book)
Businessnews Publish
- Political Book Summaries
- 21 Juin 2013
- 9782511001004
The must-read summary of Martha Zoller's book: "Indivisible: Uniting Values for a Divided America".
This complete summary of "Indivisible" by Martha Zoller, a renowned columnist and media personality, presents her argument that, contrary to what the media proclaims, America is not that dramatically divided politically and ideologically. Instead she argues that America is actually a 'centre-right' country and the majority of Americans are conservative. Common opinions can be used as uniting values to make people work together on issues of core importance.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand American shared values and ideology
o Expand your knowledge of American politics and society
To learn more, read "Indivisible" and discover how common values can be used to politically and ideologically unite the American people.
Summary : gross national happiness (review and analysis of Arthur C. Brooks's book)
Businessnews Publish
- Political Book Summaries
- 21 Juin 2013
- 9782511000861
The must-read summary of Arthur C. Brooks's book: "Gross National Happiness: Why Happiness Matters for America- And How We Can Get More of It".
This complete summary of "Gross National Happiness" by Arthur C. Brooks, a renowned social scientist, presents the writer's examination of happiness in American society. He argues that the division between happy and unhappy people is due to differences in cultural and social values, and not politics as many people think. He offers solutions on how the government can help Americans to pursue happiness and how this would be beneficial to everyone.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand what factors influence happiness
o Expand your knowledge of American politics and society
To learn more, read "Gross National Happiness" and discover what influences happiness and why it is important.
Summary : blessed unrest (review and analysis of Paul Hawken's book)
Businessnews Publish
- Political Book Summaries
- 21 Juin 2013
- 9782511000236
The must-read summary of Paul Hawken's book: "Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw it Coming".
This complete summary of "Blessed Unrest" by Paul Hawken, a renowned author and activist, gives an overview of his account of the worldwide movement towards protecting the planet and correcting the mistakes made by humanity. It gives an optimistic view of humanity's future and the work done to promote environmental and social justice issues.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand the movement working on correcting the mistakes made by humanity
o Expand your knowledge of environmental and social justice issues
To learn more, read "Blessed Unrest" and discover the worldwide movement working for social justice and ecology.
Summary : american theocracy (review and analysis of Kevin Phillips's book)
Businessnews Publish
- Political Book Summaries
- 25 Juillet 2013
- 9782511003176
The must-read summary of Kevin Phillips's book: "American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century".
This complete summary of "American Theocracy" by Kevin Phillips, a political commentator and former Republican strategist before becoming disaffected with the party, outlines his view that the Republican majority under the Bush administration undermined America's security and global position. He claims that fiscal irresponsibility, radical Christianity and the refusal to deal with the oil crisis slowly edged the nation to the point of crisis. A compelling account of what Phillips believes is serious misgovernment on the part of the GOP.
Added-value of this summary:
o Save time
o Understand the policies and actions of the Republican party and their consequences on America
o Expand your knowledge of American politics, economics and society
To learn more, read "American Theocracy" and discover Phillips's uncompromising view of the shortcomings of the Bush administration.
Summary: Come on People : Review and Analysis of Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint's Book
Businessnews Publishing
- Political Book Summaries
- 21 Juin 2013
- 9782511000472
The must-read summary of Bill Cosby and Alvin F. Poussaint's book: "Come on People: On the Path From Victims to Victors".
This complete summary of Cosby and Poussaint's book "Come on People" gives an overview of an important work that addresses American race relations and families and communities that feel left behind. They encourage these people by offering solutions to their feelings of abandonment and empowering them to become the victors, and not let these negative feelings impede their ability to move forward.
Added-value of this summary:
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o Expand your knowledge
To learn more, read "Come on People" and discover Cosby and Poussaint's empowering message about the transition from victim to victor.