Reshaping Intelligent Business and Industry
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9781119905189
The convergence of Artif?icial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping the way industries, businesses, and economies function; the 34 chapters in this collection show how the full potential of these technologies is being enabled to create intelligent machines that simulate smart behavior and support decision-making with little or no human interference, thereby providing startling organizational efficiencies. Readers will discover that in Reshaping Intelligent Business and Industry: The book unpacks the two superpowers of innovation, AI and IoT, and explains how they connect to better communicate and exchange information about online activities; How the center and the network's edge generate predictive analytics or anomaly alerts; The meaning of AI at the edge and IoT networks. How bandwidth is reduced and privacy and security are enhanced; How AI applications increase operating efficiency, spawn new products and services, and enhance risk management; How AI and IoT create 'intelligent' devices and how new AI technology enables IoT to reach its full potential; Analyzes AIOT platforms and the handling of personal information for shared frameworks that remain sensitive to customers' privacy while effectively utilizing data. Audience
This book will appeal to all business and organization leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and economists, as well as scientists, engineers, and students working in artificial intelligence, software engineering, and information technology. -
BIOINFORMATICS AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS The main topics addressed in this book are big data analytics problems in bioinformatics research such as microarray data analysis, sequence analysis, genomics-based analytics, disease network analysis, techniques for big data analytics, and health information technology. Bioinformatics and Medical Applications: Big Data Using Deep Learning Algorithms analyses massive biological datasets using computational approaches and the latest cutting-edge technologies to capture and interpret biological data. The book delivers various bioinformatics computational methods used to identify diseases at an early stage by assembling cutting-edge resources into a single collection designed to enlighten the reader on topics focusing on computer science, mathematics, and biology. In modern biology and medicine, bioinformatics is critical for data management. This book explains the bioinformatician's important tools and examines how they are used to evaluate biological data and advance disease knowledge. The editors have curated a distinguished group of perceptive and concise chapters that presents the current state of medical treatments and systems and offers emerging solutions for a more personalized approach to healthcare. Applying deep learning techniques for data-driven solutions in health information allows automated analysis whose method can be more advantageous in supporting the problems arising from medical and health-related information. Audience The primary audience for the book includes specialists, researchers, postgraduates, designers, experts, and engineers, who are occupied with biometric research and security-related issues.
AGILE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT A unique title that introduces the whole range of agile software development processes from the fundamental concepts to the highest levels of applications such as requirement analysis, software testing, quality assurance, and risk management. Agile Software Development (ASD) has become a popular technology because its methods apply to any programming paradigm. It is important in the software development process because it emphasizes incremental delivery, team collaboration, continuous planning, and learning over delivering everything at once near the end. Agile has gained popularity as a result of its use of various frameworks, methods, and techniques to improve software quality. Scrum is a major agile framework that has been widely adopted by the software development community. Metaheuristic techniques have been used in the agile software development process to improve software quality and reliability. These techniques not only improve quality and reliability but also test cases, resulting in cost-effective and time-effective software. However, many significant research challenges must be addressed to put such ASD capabilities into practice. With the use of diverse techniques, guiding principles, artificial intelligence, soft computing, and machine learning, this book seeks to study theoretical and technological research findings on all facets of ASD. Also, it sheds light on the latest trends, challenges, and applications in the area of ASD. This book explores the theoretical as well as the technical research outcomes on all the aspects of Agile Software Development by using various methods, principles, artificial intelligence, soft computing, and machine learning. Audience The book is designed for computer scientists and software engineers both in research and industry. Graduate and postgraduate students will find the book accessible as well.
BRAIN-COMPUTER INTERFACE It covers all the research prospects and recent advancements in the brain-computer interface using deep learning. The brain-computer interface (BCI) is an emerging technology that is developing to be more functional in practice. The aim is to establish, through experiences with electronic devices, a communication channel bridging the human neural networks within the brain to the external world. For example, creating communication or control applications for locked-in patients who have no control over their bodies will be one such use. Recently, from communication to marketing, recovery, care, mental state monitoring, and entertainment, the possible application areas have been expanding. Machine learning algorithms have advanced BCI technology in the last few decades, and in the sense of classification accuracy, performance standards have been greatly improved. For BCI to be effective in the real world, however, some problems remain to be solved. Research focusing on deep learning is anticipated to bring solutions in this regard. Deep learning has been applied in various fields such as computer vision and natural language processing, along with BCI growth, outperforming conventional approaches to machine learning. As a result, a significant number of researchers have shown interest in deep learning in engineering, technology, and other industries; convolutional neural network (CNN), recurrent neural network (RNN), and generative adversarial network (GAN). Audience Researchers and industrialists working in brain-computer interface, deep learning, machine learning, medical image processing, data scientists and analysts, machine learning engineers, electrical engineering, and information technologists.
Convergence of Cloud with AI for Big Data Analytics
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 31 Janvier 2023
- 9781119905219
CONVERGENCE of CLOUD with AI for BIG DATA ANALYTICS This book covers the foundations and applications of cloud computing, AI, and Big Data and analyses their convergence for improved development and services. The 17 chapters of the book masterfully and comprehensively cover the intertwining concepts of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data, all of which have recently emerged as the next-generation paradigms. There has been rigorous growth in their applications and the hybrid blend of AI Cloud and IoT (Ambient-intelligence technology) also relies on input from wireless devices. Despite the multitude of applications and advancements, there are still some limitations and challenges to overcome, such as security, latency, energy consumption, service allocation, healthcare services, network lifetime, etc. Convergence of Cloud with AI for Big Data Analytics: Foundations and Innovation details all these technologies and how they are related to state-of-the-art applications, and provides a comprehensive overview for readers interested in advanced technologies, identifying the challenges, proposed solutions, as well as how to enhance the framework. Audience Researchers and post-graduate students in computing as well as engineers and practitioners in software engineering, electrical engineers, data analysts, and cyber security professionals.
Recommender System with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 16 Juillet 2020
- 9781119711605
This book is a multi-disciplinary effort that involves world-wide experts from diverse fields, such as artificial intelligence, human computer interaction, information technology, data mining, statistics, adaptive user interfaces, decision support systems, marketing, and consumer behavior. It comprehensively covers the topic of recommender systems, which provide personalized recommendations of items or services to the new users based on their past behavior. Recommender system methods have been adapted to diverse applications including social networking, movie recommendation, query log mining, news recommendations, and computational advertising. This book synthesizes both fundamental and advanced topics of a research area that has now reached maturity. Recommendations in agricultural or healthcare domains and contexts, the context of a recommendation can be viewed as important side information that affects the recommendation goals. Different types of context such as temporal data, spatial data, social data, tagging data, and trustworthiness are explored. This book illustrates how this technology can support the user in decision-making, planning and purchasing processes in agricultural & healthcare sectors.
Machine learning techniques are increasingly being used to address problems in computational biology and bioinformatics. Novel machine learning computational techniques to analyze high throughput data in the form of sequences, gene and protein expressions, pathways, and images are becoming vital for understanding diseases and future drug discovery. Machine learning techniques such as Markov models, support vector machines, neural networks, and graphical models have been successful in analyzing life science data because of their capabilities in handling randomness and uncertainty of data noise and in generalization. Machine Learning in Bioinformatics compiles recent approaches in machine learning methods and their applications in addressing contemporary problems in bioinformatics approximating classification and prediction of disease, feature selection, dimensionality reduction, gene selection and classification of microarray data and many more.
AI and IoT-Based Intelligent Automation in Robotics
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 30 Avril 2021
- 9781119711223
The 24 chapters in this book provides a deep overview of robotics and the application of AI and IoT in robotics. It contains the exploration of AI and IoT based intelligent automation in robotics. The various algorithms and frameworks for robotics based on AI and IoT are presented, analyzed, and discussed. This book also provides insights on application of robotics in education, healthcare, defense and many other fields which utilize IoT and AI. It also introduces the idea of smart cities using robotics.
Machine Learning Approach for Cloud Data Analytics in IoT
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 13 Juillet 2021
- 9781119785859
Machine Learning Approach for Cloud Data Analytics in IoT The book covers the multidimensional perspective of machine learning through the perspective of cloud computing and Internet of Things ranging from fundamentals to advanced applications Sustainable computing paradigms like cloud and fog are capable of handling issues related to performance, storage and processing, maintenance, security, efficiency, integration, cost, energy and latency in an expeditious manner. In order to expedite decision-making involved in the complex computation and processing of collected data, IoT devices are connected to the cloud or fog environment. Since machine learning as a service provides the best support in business intelligence, organizations have been making significant investments in this technology. Machine Learning Approach for Cloud Data Analytics in IoT elucidates some of the best practices and their respective outcomes in cloud and fog computing environments. It focuses on all the various research issues related to big data storage and analysis, large-scale data processing, knowledge discovery and knowledge management, computational intelligence, data security and privacy, data representation and visualization, and data analytics. The featured technologies presented in the book optimizes various industry processes using business intelligence in engineering and technology. Light is also shed on cloud-based embedded software development practices to integrate complex machines so as to increase productivity and reduce operational costs. The various practices of data science and analytics which are used in all sectors to understand big data and analyze massive data patterns are also detailed in the book.
"Emerging Technologies for Healthcare" begins with an IoT-based solution for the automated healthcare sector which is enhanced to provide solutions with advanced deep learning techniques. The book provides feasible solutions through various machine learning approaches and applies them to disease analysis and prediction. An example of this is employing a three-dimensional matrix approach for treating chronic kidney disease, the diagnosis and prognostication of acquired demyelinating syndrome (ADS) and autism spectrum disorder, and the detection of pneumonia. In addition, it provides healthcare solutions for post COVID-19 outbreaks through various suitable approaches, Moreover, a detailed detection mechanism is discussed which is used to devise solutions for predicting personality through handwriting recognition; and novel approaches for sentiment analysis are also discussed with sufficient data and its dimensions. This book not only covers theoretical approaches and algorithms, but also contains the sequence of steps used to analyze problems with data, processes, reports, and optimization techniques. It will serve as a single source for solving various problems via machine learning algorithms.
INTELLIGENT RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS This collection of papers on artificial intelligence and other methods for improving renewable energy systems, written by industry experts, is a reflection of the state of the art, a must-have for engineers, maintenance personnel, students, and anyone else wanting to stay abreast with current energy systems concepts and technology. Renewable energy is one of the most important subjects being studied, researched, and advanced in today's world. From a macro level, like the stabilization of the entire world's economy, to the micro level, like how you are going to heat or cool your home tonight, energy, specifically renewable energy, is on the forefront of the discussion. This book illustrates modelling, simulation, design and control of renewable energy systems employed with recent artificial intelligence (AI) and optimization techniques for performance enhancement. Current renewable energy sources have less power conversion efficiency because of its intermittent and fluctuating behavior. Therefore, in this regard, the recent AI and optimization techniques are able to deal with data ambiguity, noise, imprecision, and nonlinear behavior of renewable energy sources more efficiently compared to classical soft computing techniques. This book provides an extensive analysis of recent state of the art AI and optimization techniques applied to green energy systems. Subsequently, researchers, industry persons, undergraduate and graduate students involved in green energy will greatly benefit from this comprehensive volume, a must-have for any library. Audience Engineers, scientists, managers, researchers, students, and other professionals working in the field of renewable energy.
Green Internet of Things and Machine Learning
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 10 Janvier 2022
- 9781119793120
Health Economics and Financing Encapsulates different case studies where green-IOT and machine learning can be used for making significant progress towards improvising the quality of life and sustainable environment. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an evolving idea which is responsible for connecting billions of devices that acquire, perceive, and communicate data from their surroundings. Because this transmission of data uses significant energy, improving energy efficiency in IOT devices is a significant topic for research. The green internet of things (G-IoT) makes it possible for IoT devices to use less energy since intelligent processing and analysis are fundamental to constructing smart IOT applications with large data sets. Machine learning (ML) algorithms that can predict sustainable energy consumption can be used to prepare guidelines to make IoT device implementation easier. Green Internet of Things and Machine Learning lays the foundation of in-depth analysis of principles of Green-Internet of Things (G-IoT) using machine learning. It outlines various green ICT technologies, explores the potential towards diverse real-time areas, as well as highlighting various challenges and obstacles towards the implementation of G-IoT in the real world. Also, this book provides insights on how the machine learning and green IOT will impact various applications: It covers the Green-IOT and ML-based smart computing, ML techniques for reducing energy consumption in IOT devices, case studies of G-IOT and ML in the agricultural field, smart farming, smart transportation, banking industry and healthcare. Audience The book will be helpful for research scholars and researchers in the fields of computer science and engineering, information technology, electronics and electrical engineering. Industry experts, particularly in R&D divisions, can use this book as their problem-solving guide.
SMART CITY INFRASTRUCTURE The wide range of topics presented in this book have been chosen to provide the reader with a better understanding of smart cities integrated with AI and blockchain and related security issues. The goal of this book is to provide detailed, in-depth information on the state-of-the-art architecture and infrastructure used to develop smart cities using the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain security-the key technologies of the fourth industrial revolution. The book outlines the theoretical concepts, experimental studies, and various smart city applications that create value for inhabitants of urban areas. Several issues that have arisen with the advent of smart cities and novel solutions to resolve these issues are presented. The IoT along with the integration of blockchain and AI provides efficient, safe, secure, and transparent ways to solve different types of social, governmental, and demographic issues in the dynamic urban environment. A top-down strategy is adopted to introduce the architecture, infrastructure, features, and security. Audience The core audience is researchers in artificial intelligence, information technology, electronic and electrical engineering, systems engineering, industrial engineering as well as government and city planners.
Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy and Climate Change
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 21 Juillet 2022
- 9781119771500
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Written and edited by a global team of experts in the field, this groundbreaking new volume presents the concepts and fundamentals of using artificial intelligence in renewable energy and climate change, while also covering the practical applications that can be utilized across multiple disciplines and industries, for the engineer, the student, and other professionals and scientists. Renewable energy and climate change are two of the most important and difficult issues facing the world today. The state of the art in these areas is changing rapidly, with new techniques and theories coming online seemingly every day. It is important for scientists, engineers, and other professionals working in these areas to stay abreast of developments, advances, and practical applications, and this volume is an outstanding reference and tool for this purpose. The paradigm in renewable energy and climate change shifts constantly. In today's international and competitive environment, lean and green practices are important determinants to increase performance. Corresponding production philosophies and techniques help companies diminish lead times and costs of manufacturing, improve delivery on time and quality, and at the same time become more ecological by reducing material use and waste, and by recycling and reusing. Those lean and green activities enhance productivity, lower carbon footprint and improve consumer satisfaction, which in reverse makes firms competitive and sustainable. This practical, new groundbreaking volume: Features coverage on a wide range of topics such as classical and nature-inspired optimization and optimal control, hybrid and stochastic systems Is ideally designed for engineers, scientists, industrialist, academicians, researchers, computer and information technologists, sustainable developers, managers, environmentalists, government leaders, research officers, policy makers, business leaders and students Is useful as a practical tool for practitioners in the fields of sustainable and renewable energy sustainability Includes wide coverage of how artificial intelligence can be used to impact the struggle against global warming and climate change
CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS The 13 chapters in this book cover the various aspects associated with Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) such as algorithms, application areas, and the improvement of existing technology such as machine learning, big data and robotics. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is the interconnection of the virtual or cyber and the physical system. It is realized by combining three well-known technologies, namely "Embedded Systems," "Sensors and Actuators," and "Network and Communication Systems." These technologies combine to form a system known as CPS. In CPS, the physical process and information processing are so tightly connected that it is hard to distinguish the individual contribution of each process from the output. Some exciting innovations such as autonomous cars, quadcopter, spaceships, sophisticated medical devices fall under CPS. The scope of CPS is tremendous. In CPS, one sees the applications of various emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), big data (BD), robotics, quantum technology, etc. In almost all sectors, whether it is education, health, human resource development, skill improvement, startup strategy, etc., one sees an enhancement in the quality of output because of the emergence of CPS into the field. Audience Researchers in Information technology, artificial intelligence, robotics, electronics and electrical engineering.
DEEP LEARNING FOR TREATMENTS The book provides the direction for future research in deep learning in terms of its role in targeted treatment, biological systems, site-specific drug delivery, risk assessment in therapy, etc. Deep Learning for Targeted Treatments describes the importance of the deep learning framework for patient care, disease imaging/detection, and health management. Since deep learning can and does play a major role in a patient's healthcare management by controlling drug delivery to targeted tissues or organs, the main focus of the book is to leverage the various prospects of the DL framework for targeted therapy of various diseases. In terms of its industrial significance, this general-purpose automatic learning procedure is being widely implemented in pharmaceutical healthcare. Audience
The book will be immensely interesting and useful to researchers and those working in the areas of clinical research, disease management, pharmaceuticals, R&D formulation, deep learning analytics, remote healthcare management, healthcare analytics, and deep learning in the healthcare industry. -
Ambient Intelligence and Internet of Things
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 11 Novembre 2022
- 9781119821816
AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND INTERNET OF THINGS The book explores long-term implementation techniques and research paths of ambient intelligence and the Internet of Things that meet the design and application requirements of a variety of modern and real-time applications. Working environments based on the emerging technologies of ambient intelligence (AmI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are available for current and future use in the diverse field of applications. The AmI and IoT paradigms aim to help people achieve their daily goals by augmenting physical environments using networks of distributed devices, including sensors, actuators, and computational resources. Because AmI-IoT is the convergence of numerous technologies and associated research fields, it takes significant effort to integrate them to make our lives easier. It is asserted that Am I can successfully analyze the vast amounts of contextual data obtained from such embedded sensors by employing a variety of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and that it will transparently and proactively change the environment to conform to the requirements of the user. Over time, the long-term research goals and implementation strategies could meet the design and application needs of a wide range of modern and real-time applications. The 13 chapters in Ambient Intelligence and Internet of Things: Convergent Technologies provide a comprehensive knowledge of the fundamental structure of innovative cutting-edge AmI and IoT technologies as well as practical applications. Audience The book will appeal to researchers, industry engineers, and students in artificial and ambient intelligence, the Internet of Things, intelligent systems, electronics and communication, electronics instrumentations, and computer science.
Machine Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, and IoT in Image Processing
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 14 Février 2023
- 9781119865490
MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, BIG DATA ANALYTICS, AND IoT IN IMAGE PROCESSING Discusses both theoretical and practical aspects of how to harness advanced technologies to develop practical applications such as drone-based surveillance, smart transportation, healthcare, farming solutions, and robotics used in automation. The concepts of machine intelligence, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to improve our lives through various cutting-edge applications such as disease detection in real-time, crop yield prediction, smart parking, and so forth. The transformative effects of these technologies are life-changing because they play an important role in demystifying smart healthcare, plant pathology, and smart city/village planning, design and development. This book presents a cross-disciplinary perspective on the practical applications of machine intelligence, big data analytics, and IoT by compiling cutting-edge research and insights from researchers, academicians, and practitioners worldwide. It identifies and discusses various advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, IoT, image processing, network security, cloud computing, and sensors, to provide effective solutions to the lifestyle challenges faced by humankind. Machine Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, and IoT in Image Processing is a significant addition to the body of knowledge on practical applications emerging from machine intelligence, big data analytics, and IoT. The chapters deal with specific areas of applications of these technologies. This deliberate choice of covering a diversity of fields was to emphasize the applications of these technologies in almost every contemporary aspect of real life to assist working in different sectors by understanding and exploiting the strategic opportunities offered by these technologies. Audience The book will be of interest to a range of researchers and scientists in artificial intelligence who work on practical applications using machine learning, big data analytics, natural language processing, pattern recognition, and IoT by analyzing images. Software developers, industry specialists, and policymakers in medicine, agriculture, smart cities development, transportation, etc. will find this book exceedingly useful.
Innovative Engineering with AI Applications Innovative Engineering with AI Applications demonstrates how we can innovate in different engineering domains as well as how to make most business problems simpler by applying AI to them. Engineering advancements combined with artificial intelligence (AI), have resulted in a hyper-connected society in which smart devices are not only used to exchange data but also have increased capabilities. These devices are becoming more context-aware and smarter by the day. This timely book shows how organizations, who want to innovate and adapt, can enter new markets using expertise in various emerging technologies (e.g. data, AI, system architecture, blockchain), and can build technology-based business models, a culture of innovation, and high-performing networks. The book specifies an approach that anyone can use to better architect, design, and more effectively build things that are technically novel, useful, and valuable, and to do so efficiently, on-time, and repeatable. Audience The book is essential to AI product developers, business leaders in all industries and organizational domains. Researchers, academicians, and students in the AI field will also benefit from reading this book.
METAVERSE AND IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES The book covers the multidimensional perspectives of the metaverse through the prism of virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and IoT, ranging from rudimentary to advanced applications. This book provides a thorough explanation of how the technology behind metaverse and other virtual reality technologies are changing the world. The primary objective is to present the revolutionary innovation of the 21st century-the metaverse-and exhibit its wide range of applications in different domains. Although blockchain and VR/AR were the first popularly known applications of the metaverse, several other applications also exist. While some still believe the metaverse is overhyped, in reality, it is transforming almost every industry-healthcare, 3D, 4D, industry, game industry, business management, artificial intelligence, and IoT, just to name a few. This technological breakthrough not only paved the way for virtual reality but also provided useful solutions for other areas of technology. The unique nature of the technology, which is a single, shared, immersive, persistent, 3D virtual space where humans experience life in ways not possible in the physical world, makes it suitable for all real-world applications; it has great potential to transform business, and companies are already in the race for different product offerings. Audience AI and computer science researchers, engineers and graduate students, IT personnel in business as well as entrepreneurs and policymakers.
Multimodal Biometric and Machine Learning Technologies
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 18 Octobre 2023
- 9781119785477
MULTIMODAL BIOMETRIC AND MACHINE LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES With an increasing demand for biometric systems in various industries, this book on multimodal biometric systems, answers the call for increased resources to help researchers, developers, and practitioners. Multimodal biometric and machine learning technologies have revolutionized the field of security and authentication. These technologies utilize multiple sources of information, such as facial recognition, voice recognition, and fingerprint scanning, to verify an individual's identity. The need for enhanced security and authentication has become increasingly important, and with the rise of digital technologies, cyber-attacks and identity theft have increased exponentially. Traditional authentication methods, such as passwords and PINs, have become less secure as hackers devise new ways to bypass them. In this context, multimodal biometric and machine learning technologies offer a more secure and reliable approach to authentication. This book provides relevant information on multimodal biometric and machine learning technologies and focuses on how humans and computers interact to ever-increasing levels of complexity and simplicity. The book provides content on the theory of multimodal biometric design, evaluation, and user diversity, and explains the underlying causes of the social and organizational problems that are typically devoted to descriptions of rehabilitation methods for specific processes. Furthermore, the book describes new algorithms for modeling accessible to scientists of all varieties. Audience Researchers in computer science and biometrics, developers who are designing and implementing biometric systems, and practitioners who are using biometric systems in their work, such as law enforcement personnel or healthcare professionals.
Artificial Intelligence for Risk Mitigation in the Financial Industry
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 20 Mai 2024
- 9781394175550
Artificial Intelligence for Risk Mitigation in the Financial Industry This book extensively explores the implementation of AI in the risk mitigation process and provides information for auditing, banking, and financial sectors on how to reduce risk and enhance effective reliability. The applications of the financial industry incorporate vast volumes of structured and unstructured data to gain insight into the financial and non-financial performance of companies. As a result of exponentially increasing data, auditors and management professionals need to enhance processing capabilities while maintaining the effectiveness and reliability of the risk mitigation process. The risk mitigation and audit procedures are processes involving the progression of activities to "transform inputs into output." As AI systems continue to grow mainstream, it is difficult to imagine an aspect of risk mitigation in the financial industry that will not require AI-related assurance or AI-assisted advisory services. AI can be used as a strong tool in many ways, like the prevention of fraud, money laundering, and cybercrime, detection of risks and probability of NPAs at early stages, sound lending, etc. Audience This is an introductory book that provides insights into the advantages of risk mitigation by the adoption of AI in the financial industry. The subject is not only restricted to individuals like researchers, auditors, and management professionals, but also includes decision-making authorities like the government. This book is a valuable guide to the utilization of AI for risk mitigation and will serve as an important standalone reference for years to come.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Drug Design and Development
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 10 Juin 2024
- 9781394234172
The book is a comprehensive guide that explores the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in drug discovery and development covering a range of topics, including the use of molecular modeling, docking, identifying targets, selecting compounds, and optimizing drugs. The intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) within the field of drug design and development represents a pivotal moment in the history of healthcare and pharmaceuticals. The remarkable synergy between cutting-edge technology and the life sciences has ushered in a new era of possibilities, offering unprecedented opportunities, formidable challenges, and a tantalizing glimpse into the future of medicine. AI can be applied to all the key areas of the pharmaceutical industry, such as drug discovery and development, drug repurposing, and improving productivity within a short period. Contemporary methods have shown promising results in facilitating the discovery of drugs to target different diseases. Moreover, AI helps in predicting the efficacy and safety of molecules and gives researchers a much broader chemical pallet for the selection of the best molecules for drug testing and delivery. In this context, drug repurposing is another important topic where AI can have a substantial impact. With the vast amount of clinical and pharmaceutical data available to date, AI algorithms find suitable drugs that can be repurposed for alternative use in medicine. This book is a comprehensive exploration of this dynamic and rapidly evolving field. In an era where precision and efficiency are paramount in drug discovery, AI and ML have emerged as transformative tools, reshaping the way we identify, design, and develop pharmaceuticals. This book is a testament to the profound impact these technologies have had and will continue to have on the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, and ultimately, patient well-being. The editors of this volume have assembled a distinguished group of experts, researchers, and thought leaders from both the AI, ML, and pharmaceutical domains. Their collective knowledge and insights illuminate the multifaceted landscape of AI and ML in drug design and development, offering a roadmap for navigating its complexities and harnessing its potential. In each section, readers will find a rich tapestry of knowledge, case studies, and expert opinions, providing a 360-degree view of AI and ML's role in drug design and development. Whether you are a researcher, scientist, industry professional, policymaker, or simply curious about the future of medicine, this book offers 19 state-of-the-art chapters providing valuable insights and a compass to navigate the exciting journey ahead. Audience The book is a valuable resource for a wide range of professionals in the pharmaceutical and allied industries including researchers, scientists, engineers, and laboratory workers in the field of drug discovery and development, who want to learn about the latest techniques in machine learning and AI, as well as information technology professionals who are interested in the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in drug development.
Optimized Computational Intelligence Driven Decision-Making
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 8 Juillet 2024
- 9781394242542
This book covers a wide range of advanced techniques and approaches for designing and implementing computationally intelligent methods in different application domains which is of great use to not only researchers but also academicians and industry experts. Optimized Computational Intelligence (OCI) is a new, cutting-edge, and multidisciplinary research area that tackles the fundamental problems shared by modern informatics, biologically-inspired computation, software engineering, AI, cybernetics, cognitive science, medical science, systems science, philosophy, linguistics, economics, management science, and life sciences. OCI aims to apply modern computationally intelligent methods to generate optimum outcomes in various application domains. This book presents the latest technologies-driven material to explore optimized various computational intelligence domains. includes real-life case studies highlighting different advanced technologies in computational intelligence; provides a unique compendium of current and emerging hybrid intelligence paradigms for advanced informatics; reflects the diversity, complexity, and depth and breadth of this critical bio-inspired domain; offers a guided tour of computational intelligence algorithms, architecture design, and applications of learning in dealing with cognitive informatics challenges; presents a variety of intelligent and optimized techniques designed to represent, enhance, and empower multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional data analytics research in intelligent decision-making system dynamics; includes architectural models and applications-based augmented solutions for optimized computational intelligence. Audience The book will interest a range of engineers and researchers in information technology, computer science, and artificial intelligence working in the interdisciplinary field of computational intelligence.