Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
11 produits trouvés
Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 8 Août 2017
- 9783034324397
Evidentiality and Modality in European Languages focuses on discourse-pragmatic studies on the domains of evidentiality and epistemic modality, and also includes studies on deontic modality. The book presents ground-breaking research on the functions and the discourse-pragmatic variation of evidential expressions and modals in diverse discourses and genres, applying corpus-based methodologies. It offers unique features regarding content, usage and methodology, and comparative studies. The comparative viewpoint is addressed in contributions which provide a usage-based cross-linguistic account of the expression of evidentiality and modality in various European languages (English, French, Italian, Romanian and Spanish). The contributions are representative of the work on evidentiality and modality in European languages carried out in a substantial number of countries, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Romania, Spain and Sweden.
New trends and methodologies in applied English language research III
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 29 Juin 2017
- 9783034327091
This volume includes eleven papers pertaining to different areas of linguistics and organised into three sections. Part I contains diachronic studies which cover data from Middle English to Present-Day English and which explore phenomena such as the status of extender tags, the distribution of free adjuncts, post-auxiliary ellipsis, and the use of `ephemeral' concessive adverbial subordinators. Part II comprises studies on grammar and language processing dealing with topics such as the interaction between syntactic and structural complexity and verbal agreement with collective subjects, the influence of distributivity and concreteness on verbal agreement, the interaction of complexity and efficiency in pronoun omission in Indian English and Singapore English, and the methods and approaches used for grammar teaching in modern EFL/ESL textbooks. Finally, Part III revolves around lexis, discourse and pragmatics, with papers that discuss the development of the discoursal representation of social actors in Argentinian newspapers after the military dictatorship, the construction of women's gender identity through positive and negative emotions in women's magazines, and spelling-to-sound correspondence on Twitter.
Geschichte(n) fiktional und faktual
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 29 Avril 2016
- 9783035196177
Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen auf eine Tagung in Budapest zurück, die im September 2014 stattgefunden hat. Gemeinsames, erkenntnisleitendes Thema ist die Frage nach «Sprachlichen Konstruktionen von Geschichte zwischen Faktualität und Fiktionalität» mit besonderem Blick auf Umbruchs- und Krisenzeiten. Die literaturwissenschaftlichen Beiträge analysieren und interpretieren Texte vom frühen 20. Jahrhundert bis zum 21. Jahrhundert, in denen künstlerische, politische, ideologische und gesellschaftliche Krisenzeiten thematisiert werden. In den linguistischen Beiträgen geht es um gemeinsame Geschichte und ihre Konstruktion im Spiegel von Diskursen. Korpuslinguistische und diskursanalytische Ansätze stehen im Vordergrund. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist in zahlreichen Beiträgen das sogenannte Budapester Korpus. Dabei handelt es sich um ein deutsch-ungarisches thematisches Textkorpus, das im Rahmen einer vom DAAD-gefrderten Partnerschaft zwischen Budapest und Heidelberg entstand. Es zeigt die verschiedenen Perspektiven, die in beiden Länder zueinander und zu ihrer gemeinsamen Geschichte sprachlich konstruiert werden. An diesem Korpus werden diskursanalytische und grammatische Fragestellungen im Sprachvergleich untersucht.
Vulgata-Studies Vol. I
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 6 Janvier 2015
- 9783035197419
Der Vulgata Verein Chur, organisierte im November 2013 den ersten Vulgata-Kongress. Dabei wurden philologische Erkenntnisse aus der Übersetzung der Vulgata ins Deutsche und Rumänische zusammengetragen, theologische und andere Hintergründe um die Vulgata und Hieronymus vertieft. Der Austausch ermglichte eine bessere Arbeit an den lateinischen Texten der Vulgata. Die vorliegenden Beiträge sind eine Zusammenschau der Vorträge und Workshops in Bukarest.
Attitudes to National Identity in Melanesia and Timor-Leste
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 9 Juillet 2013
- 9783035304824
This book examines the attitudes of tertiary students in Melanesia and Timor-Leste to national identity and key issues of nation-building. Their views are pivotal to understanding the challenges of building a more cohesive sense of national identity and political community in these states. Melanesian countries show a relatively high degree of similarity in their responses to the surveys on national identity carried out by the authors, but with key differences attributable to particular historical, regional or linguistic legacies of colonial rule. The ongoing importance of traditional authority and kastom/adat in conceptions of political community and identity is evident in all four case study sites, and in each case matches indicators of respect for modern state authority. Although different for each site, the authors' findings also illustrate the importance of students' geographical region of origin, language orientation and gender in explaining key differences in attitudes towards national identity. The book demonstrates that strong levels of national identification and pride persist among the future leaders of the countries surveyed, even in the face of ongoing regional and linguistic divisions and weak state capacity, suggesting a strong potential basis for nation-building agendas if wider challenges of democratic performance, service provision and regional development can be addressed over time.
L'Italia centrale e la creazione di una «koiné» culturale?
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 12 Octobre 2016
- 9783034324816
Esito del 2° convegno della serie «E pluribus unum? L'Italia dalla frammentazione preromana all'unità augustea», tenutosi a Roma nel 2014, il libro tratta la «romanizzazione» dell'Italia preromana, affrontando le dinamiche socio-politiche e linguistico-epigrafiche, le strutture economiche e del territorio, l'integrazione religiosa e le produzioni artistiche e artigianali. Alla base del progetto c'era l'idea di portare storici, archeologi, linguisti e specialisti di letteratura latina a collaborare per costruire insieme su questi argomenti un quadro dalle tinte a volte significativamente contrastanti.
Il dibattito sulla «romanizzazione» è stato uno dei più intensi nel panorama scientifico degli ultimi decenni. Del concetto sono stati declinati tutti i possibili punti di vista, tutte le criticità, le debolezze. Nel presente volume, il focus è stato dettato da un voluto understatement. Si è scelto di accettare l'uso dell'etichetta «romanizzazione», che infatti già dal titolo è stata posta tra virgolette, lasciando che i vari intervenuti fossero liberi di ridefinirla a loro piacimento. L'idea è stata poi quella di articolare il tema in una serie di tavole rotonde, ciascuna incentrata su tematiche specifiche, caratterizzanti del fenomeno «romanizzatorio»: le dinamiche di integrazione e opposizione alla conquista dai punti di vista politico e istituzionale, le influenze reciproche a cui le diverse lingue e culture epigrafiche sono state soggette, le strutture economiche e del territorio, l'integrazione religiosa e le produzioni artistiche e artigianali sono stati gli argomenti portanti del colloquio. Attorno a queste tavole rotonde, ciascuna coordinata da un discussant, si è cercato ancora una volta di radunare studiosi di formazione e classi di età diverse, alcuni più interessati alle realtà preromane e altri i cui interessi sono invece rivolti al mondo romano, nel tentativo di creare in questo modo ancora una volta il confronto dialogico tra diversi punti di vista. -
Researching Discourse in Business Genres
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 13 Juin 2012
- 9783035103809
The contributions of this volume approach the genres of employee, CEO and organizational communication from different angles. They analyze how the author's position in the company influences the construction of these genres, what content and linguistic style characterize them, and how the discourse of these genres is related to other resources. They look at linguistic and rhetorical strategies in a range of communicative settings: email correspondence among (male versus female) co-workers, collaborative writing of formats in the workplace, leadership messaging by the CEO, financial disclosures for (non-)financial audiences and expressions of the corporate philosophy. Two methodologies in particular are prominent in the genre-based chapters: corpus analyses and case studies.
The Language Factor in International Business
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 27 Mars 2012
- 9783035103755
This volume aims to explore what the field of business communication has accomplished so far and where it is heading. In addition to presenting new research, a number of the contributions included address the question of how business communication scholarship may be relevant to education and practice. While the multidimensional nature of the field does not allow a single answer to that question, the contributors generally agree that the `language factor' in international business is an intriguing mix of communicative skills that are receiving increased attention across disciplines. The contributions deal with a wide spectrum of business settings, including leadership and management situations, gatekeeping encounters in a variety of organizations and through a range of media and cultures, oral interaction in the workplace, marketing and PR discourse, on-line communication, management, organizational and corporate communication, and, finally, global aspects of integrated marketing communications. Methodologically, it includes a broad range of approaches, including work in discourse analysis and ethno-methodology, rhetoric and document design, intercultural pragmatics and writing studies, genre analysis, e-semantics and sociolinguistics.
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 11 Mai 2012
- 9783035103731
Johannes Bronkhorst, professor of Sanskrit and Indian Studies at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, from 1987 to 2011, undoubtedly belongs to the most talented and significant indologists of the last three decades. His abundant work testifies to an unparalleled range of interests from early Buddhism to grammar, mathematics to asceticism, philosophy to archaeology, and is characterized by the determination to challenge preconceived ideas, clichés and traditional (mis)constructs. The present felicitation volume includes thirty-two essays by some of the finest scholars in the field of indology, which reflect Johannes Bronkhorst's main scholarly contributions: Grammar, Philosophy, Vedic Studies, Buddhism and Jainism, Dharmasastra and Arthasastra, Epics and Pura?as. It presents an almost complete spectrum of the intellectual and spiritual pursuits and speculations in Ancient India, and will be of inestimable value to the specialists of all fields of Indology. The volume also includes a presentation of Johannes Bronkhorst's academic career and contribution to Indian Studies by Jan E.M. Houben, and an ongoing bibliography of his work.
Uebersetzen. Theorien, Praktiken und Strategien der europaeischen Germanistik
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 30 Juin 2021
- 9783034342575
Der Band umfasst Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des italienischen Germanistenverbandes, die vom 13. bis 15. Juni 2019 an der Universität Bergamo stattgefunden hat. Die Beiträge diskutieren literatur- und sprachwissenschaftliche Zugänge der italienischen und der europäischen Germanistik zur Übersetzung. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei folgende Themenkomplexe: Kanon und Verlagswesen; Narrative Muster, Metaphern und Diskursstrukturen; Textkohäsion; Sprachvarietäten; Weltliteratur: Übersetzen in der Goethezeit; Mehrsprachige Autoren, Übersetzer als Schriftsteller, Selbstübersetzer.
Handbook on Translation and Interpretation Didactics
- Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9783034348768
This handbook traces the evolution of teaching practices in professional translation and interpretation and critically assesses the effectiveness of current methodologies. With contributions from both established and young scholars, the book weaves together practical teaching applications and theoretical research from a unique vantage point. Noted for its close link with the industry, the book also anticipates the trends shaping the field and proposes innovative pedagogical strategies to meet evolving demands. It will be of useful reference for those engaged in the research and practice of professional translation and interpreting education.