Reshaping Intelligent Business and Industry
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 6 Septembre 2024
- 9781119905189
The convergence of Artif?icial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping the way industries, businesses, and economies function; the 34 chapters in this collection show how the full potential of these technologies is being enabled to create intelligent machines that simulate smart behavior and support decision-making with little or no human interference, thereby providing startling organizational efficiencies. Readers will discover that in Reshaping Intelligent Business and Industry: The book unpacks the two superpowers of innovation, AI and IoT, and explains how they connect to better communicate and exchange information about online activities; How the center and the network's edge generate predictive analytics or anomaly alerts; The meaning of AI at the edge and IoT networks. How bandwidth is reduced and privacy and security are enhanced; How AI applications increase operating efficiency, spawn new products and services, and enhance risk management; How AI and IoT create 'intelligent' devices and how new AI technology enables IoT to reach its full potential; Analyzes AIOT platforms and the handling of personal information for shared frameworks that remain sensitive to customers' privacy while effectively utilizing data. Audience
This book will appeal to all business and organization leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and economists, as well as scientists, engineers, and students working in artificial intelligence, software engineering, and information technology. -
Cannabis and Philosophy ; What Were We Just Talking About?
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 11 Janvier 2011
- 9781444341393
The debate on the status and legality of cannabis continues to gain momentum. Here, personal anecdotes combined with academic and scientific reports combine to sharpen some of the fascinating philosophical issues associated with cannabis use. A frank, professionally informed and playful discussion of cannabis usage in relation to philosophical inquiry Considers the meaning of a `high', the morality of smoking marijuana for pleasure, the slippery slope to more dangerous drugs, and the human drive to alter our consciousness Not only incorporates contributions from philosophers, psychologists, sociologists or legal, pharmacological, and medical experts, but also non-academics associated with the cultivation, distribution, and sale of cannabis Brings together an international team of writers from the United States, Canada, UK, Finland, Switzerland, South Africa, and New Zealand
College Sex and Philosophy ; Philosophers with Benefits
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 11 Janvier 2011
- 9781444341447
Written with insight and humor, College Sex - Philosophy for Everyone investigates a broad array of philosophical issues relating to student sex. Examines the ethical issues of dating, cheating, courtship, homosexual experimentation, and drug and alcohol use Considers student-teacher relationships, sexual experimentation, the meaning of sex in a college setting and includes two essays based on influential research projects on `friends with benefits' Many of the authors teach classes that explore the philosophy of love and sex, and most are scholars from the Society of the Philosophy of Sex and Love
This anthology takes the ever-controversial discussion of pornography out of solely academic circles; it expands the questions about porn that academics might tackle and opens the conversation to those who know it best-the creators and users of porn. Features essays on non-traditional issues in porn, including celebrity sex tapes, virtual sex, S&M, homosexual porn, and technology's impact on the porn industry Features fascinating insights from psychologists, a lawyer, and an English professor, as well as industry insiders such as Dylan Ryder A fun, entertaining, and philosophically provocative approach to pornography, written for the general reader
DATING PHILOSOPHY FOR EVERYONE Speed dating, online dating, group blind dating, dating consultants... A booming dating industry is catering to an ever-increasing number of single adults in the twenty-first century, with the market for a mate now pulling in more than a billion dollars a year in the United States. So, how do we successfully attempt to navigate the dating minefield? Progressing from the first flirtatious moment of eye contact to the selection of a "mate," Dating - Philosophy for Everyone includes a number of playful yet relevant essays for anyone who has dated, is dating, or intends to date again. It offers fascinating philosophical explorations of topics such as: The taboos of dating and how to play the dating game Should science teach men how to attract women? The problem of having too much choice The vicissitudes of dating and mating are explored from a number of perspectives, all of which will help demystify coupling in the twenty-first century for those young daters just entering the fray, and those veterans returning to the game.
Serial Killers and Philosophy ; Being and Killing
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 3 Décembre 2010
- 9781444341409
Serial Killers - Philosophy for Everyone investigates our profound intrigue with mass-murderers. Exploring existential, ethical and political questions through an examination of real and fictional serial killers, philosophy comes alive via an exploration of grisly death. Presents new philosophical theories about serial killing, and relates new research in cognitive science to the minds of serial killers Includes a philosophical look at real serial killers such as Ian Brady, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer and the Zodiac killer, as well as fictional serial killers such as Dexter and Hannibal Lecter Offers a new phenomenological examination of the writings of the Zodiac Killer Contains an account of the disappearance of one of Ted Bundy's victims submitted by the organization Families and Friends of Missing Persons and Violent Crime Victims Integrates the insights of philosophers, academics, crime writers and police officers
The final edition of the incomparable data warehousing and business intelligence reference, updated and expanded The Kimball Group Reader, Remastered Collection is the essential reference for data warehouse and business intelligence design, packed with best practices, design tips, and valuable insight from industry pioneer Ralph Kimball and the Kimball Group. This Remastered Collection represents decades of expert advice and mentoring in data warehousing and business intelligence, and is the final work to be published by the Kimball Group. Organized for quick navigation and easy reference, this book contains nearly 20 years of experience on more than 300 topics, all fully up-to-date and expanded with 65 new articles. The discussion covers the complete data warehouse/business intelligence lifecycle, including project planning, requirements gathering, system architecture, dimensional modeling, ETL, and business intelligence analytics, with each group of articles prefaced by original commentaries explaining their role in the overall Kimball Group methodology. Data warehousing/business intelligence industry's current multi-billion dollar value is due in no small part to the contributions of Ralph Kimball and the Kimball Group. Their publications are the standards on which the industry is built, and nearly all data warehouse hardware and software vendors have adopted their methods in one form or another. This book is a compendium of Kimball Group expertise, and an essential reference for anyone in the field. Learn data warehousing and business intelligence from the field's pioneers Get up to date on best practices and essential design tips Gain valuable knowledge on every stage of the project lifecycle Dig into the Kimball Group methodology with hands-on guidance Ralph Kimball and the Kimball Group have continued to refine their methods and techniques based on thousands of hours of consulting and training. This Remastered Collection of The Kimball Group Reader represents their final body of knowledge, and is nothing less than a vital reference for anyone involved in the field.
The first handbook on this emerging field provides a comprehensive overview of transition metal-catalyzed coupling reactions in the presence of an oxidant. Following an introduction to the general concept and mechanism of this reaction class, the team of authors presents chapters on C-C cross-coupling reactions using organometallic partners, C-Heteroatom bond forming reactions via oxidative couplings, and C-H couplings via C-H activation. The text also covers such groundbreaking topics as recent achievements in the fields of C-C and C-X bond formation reactions as well as C-H activation involving oxidative couplings.
With its novel and concise approach towards important building blocks in organic chemistry and its focus on synthetic applications, this handbook is of great interest to all synthetic chemists in academia and industry alike. -
The latest edition of the world's leading dermatology textbook Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 10th Edition is the most definitive, comprehensive and illustrated reference work in dermatology worldwide. Fully updated by experts from around the world, the book highlights the latest key evidence-based developments in pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. A highly intuitive resource and invaluable clinical companion for both those training and those fully qualified in dermatology, other highlights of Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 10th Edition include: 1. Comprehensive review of essential basic science, skin biology and pharmacology 2. More than 3000 clinical illustrations 3. Histological images to aid clinicopathological correlation 4. Up-to-date management details for all major dermatological disorders including emerging infections 5. All chapters fully referenced together with highlighted key references 6. Quick reference to essential facts, treatment ladders and management algorithms 7. Chapter dedicated to global skin health and inequalities 8. Description of the spectrum of presentations in dermatoses in skin of colour 9. Thorough review of surgical and aesthetic dermatology 10. On-line videos of practical procedures Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 10th Edition is universally recognised as the most complete reference work for dermatologists of all experience levels and dermatology students worldwide.
Mit Case Studies von Scale-ups wie DeepL, SumUp, 1KOMMA5°, Frontify oder Ledgy!
Europa hat mit seinen über 700 Millionen EinwohnerInnen einen großen Binnenmarkt, auf dem aber keine Technologieunternehmen vom Kaliber globaler Big Techs wie Apple, Alphabet/Google, Amazon, Meta/Facebook oder Microsoft gelistet sind. In der ersten Digitalisierungswelle des Internets genossen die USA durch ihren homogenen Heimatmarkt einen klaren Wachstumsvorteil. Dies mag sich durch maschinelle Übersetzungstools und weitere KI-unterstützte Lsungen ändern. Hierzu muss die Skalierung von europäischen Unternehmen erlernt werden. Sie ist eine entscheidende Fähigkeit in einem Spiel auf Zeit: Start-ups müssen wachsen, bevor ihre Konkurrenz aus anderen Start-ups oder etablierten Unternehmen an ihnen vorbeizieht. Dazu gilt es, den gestiegenen Anforderungen an die soziale und kologische Nachhaltigkeit sowie Unternehmensführung (ESG) gerecht zu werden.
Dieses Buch vermittelt Leitlinien für GründerInnen, Mitarbeitende, Investoren/Investorinnen, Mentoren/Mentorinnen und weitere Stakeholder von skalierenden Start-ups, sogenannten "Scale-ups", die sie beim schnellen und nachhaltigen Wachstum unterstützen. Sie entwickeln damit ein besseres Verständnis für verschiedenste Herausforderungen bei der Skalierung ihres Unternehmens und meistern diese besser, wie beispielsweise die Entwicklung und Führung ihres Teams, die Bewertung von Wachstums- und Finanzierungsoptionen sowie die Implementierung effizienter Organisationsstrukturen und Kommunikationsprozesse.
Die LeserInnen profitieren konkret von:
- einer Strukturierung der Skalierung, basierend auf einem iterativen Prozess-Framework;
- einem durchgehenden Fokus auf für den Kapitalmarkt relevante ESG-Kriterien;
- Handlungsempfehlungen inklusive digitaler Tools, welche sie bei der Skalierung ihrer Unternehmen unterstützen. -
In "Robuste Lieferketten in unsicheren Zeiten" zeigt ein Team engagierter, erfahrener Betriebsstrategen praxisnah auf, wie Sie die Lieferketten Ihres Unternehmens durch einen unerbittlichen Fokus auf Resilienz zukunftssicher machen knnen. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie anhand von 5 Geschäftsprinzipien, wie Sie den Schwerpunkt Ihres Unternehmens von "niedrigen Kosten" auf "geringe Volatilität" verlagern knnen, um Ihr Unternehmen vor Angebots- und Nachfrageschocks zu schützen, die mit Pandemien, Kriegen, Arbeitskämpfen und Handelskonflikten einhergehen.
Außerdem erfahren Sie mehr über:
- Beispiele aus der Praxis von Unternehmen, die durch die Umsetzung der von den Autoren empfohlenen Veränderungen langfristige Wettbewerbsvorteile erzielen.
- Warum es besser ist, langfristige, für beide Seiten vorteilhafte Beziehungen zu zuverlässigen Lieferanten aufzubauen, als immer die billigste Option zu wählen.
- Wie ein erneuter Fokus auf Vielfalt und neue Arbeitsweisen belastbare Betriebsteams schaffen kann, die Ihren Kunden einen Mehrwert bieten.
"Robuste Lieferketten in unsicheren Zeiten" ist ein Buch, das Manager, Führungskräfte, Geschäftsführer, Unternehmer, Fachleute aus den Bereichen Operations und Lieferketten und alle anderen, die an einem reibungslosen Betrieb ihres Unternehmens interessiert sind, unbedingt lesen sollten, da dies eine der grßten Herausforderungen darstellt, mit denen sich moderne Unternehmen weltweit auseinandersetzen müssen. -
Die Zelle das ganze Wissen in einem Buch Molekularbiologie der Zelle ist seit 40 Jahren das führende Lehrbuch der Zellbiologie. Vollständig aktualisiert stellt die Neuauflage das sich rasch weiter-entwickelnde Wissen zum zentralen Gegenstand der Biologie dar der Zelle. Aufbauend auf den biochemisch-molekularbiologischen Grundlagen der Lebensvorgänge werden Aufbau und Funktion von eukaryotischen Zellen und Geweben, deren Lebenszyklus und die Interaktion mit Pathogenen beschrieben. Mit erstklassiger und bewährter Didaktik führt die siebte Auflage dieses weltweiten Klassikers sowohl in die grundlegenden Konzepte der Zellbiologie als auch in deren faszinierende Anwendungen in Medizin und Biotechnologie ein: durchgehend aktualisiert mit einem Fokus auf Aspekten der Evolution und Biodiversität neue Unterkapitel zu Modellorganismen, zur DNA-Reparatur und zum humanen Mikrobiom stellt aktuelle Themen verständlich dar, wie biomolekulare Kondensate, korrelative Mikroskopie, Tumorgenomforschung, Coronaviren und mRNA-Impfstoffe Fast 1500 anschauliche Farbabbildungen, die zum großen Teil neu gestaltet wurden 21 großformatige Tafeln verdeutlichen komplexe Vorgänge, klassische Experimente und aktuelle Methoden weiterführende Literatur mit wichtigen Originalarbeiten und Lehrbüchern Glossar mit mehr als 1100 grundlegenden Begriffen Studierende in den Fächern Molekularbiologie, Genetik, Zellbiologie, Biochemie und Biotechnologie führt dieses Buch vom ersten Semester des Bachelor- bis ins Master-Studium und darüber hinaus. Aus Rezensionen zu früheren englisch- und deutschsprachigen Auflagen Jede Seite zeugt von der Liebe der Autoren zum exakten Detail, gleichzeitig aber von ihrer Anstrengung, Wissen aus einem schier unüberschaubaren Fachgebiet leicht erfassbar und gut lesbar aufzubereiten. Der klare, prägnante Stil, die Fülle an informativen Diagram-men und Abbildungen setzen eindrucksvolle Maßstäbe.
Nature Molecular Biology of the Cell gelingt es ausgezeichnet, die Fortschritte [der moleku-laren Zellbiologie] darzustellen. Auch aus der kommenden Generation von Interessenten wird es niemand auch nur einen Moment bedauern, sich dieses Werk zugelegt zu haben.
Cell Man spürt, wie sehr es den Autoren daran gelegen ist, ihre eigene Begeisterung für ihr Metier auf den geneigten Leser zu übertragen. Wer hier einmal eingestiegen ist, wird nur schwerlich wieder herausfinden, denn Biologie live macht süchtig. Das Buch gehrt auf das Bücherregal jedes Lebenswissenschaftlers
BIOspektrum Gleichgültig, was man gerade sucht: immer wird mehr geboten als erwartet Beispiel-haft sind nicht nur die verständlichen, prägnanten Texte, sondern auch die großzügigen, durchwegs farbigen Illustrationen.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung -
Institutional and Industrial Safety Engineering Practices
- Wiley-Scrivener
- 5 Novembre 2024
- 9781394314423
This book is essential for anyone working in laboratories or workshops, as it provides crucial insights into safety measures, accident management, and first-aid procedures that are often lacking in institutional guidelines. Most institutions lack a collective manual or guidelines that inform individuals working in laboratories or workshops about safety precautions or how to deal with accidents that occur on the premises. This leaves a gap that may result in fatalities or collateral damage. Institutional and Industrial Safety Engineering Practices will provide insight into the safety measures that should be followed for the proper functioning of laboratories and workshops present in an institution. It will also help readers deal with any accident or fire hazard occurring on the premises and provide steps for first aid. After reading this book, readers will be able to comprehend the ideas and challenges linked to industrial safety, the incorporation of safety at the design stage to improve safety performance, and the analysis, prediction, and reduction of risks via the use of analytics and safety management. This book will also include safety key performance indicators used in various industries, which will assist readers in taking preventative measures at their workplace to avoid accidents. The rules of occupational safety and health management, which are responsible for preserving worker health and safety, are also covered.
Towards a better understanding of how medicines are used in society Drug Utilization Research (DUR) is a discipline which combines aspects of pharmacotherapy, epidemiology, and health services research into an interdisciplinary set of methods for analyzing and assessing the prescribing, dispensing and consumption of medicines. It combines both qualitative and quantitative approaches to facilitate the safe and effective use of pharmaceuticals. Drug Utilization Research: Methods and Applications provides a comprehensive introduction to this discipline, prepared by an international team of authors with broad experience in numerous fields. Now reorganized and updated to reflect the latest research and global challenges, it is an indispensable resource for understanding the use of pharmaceuticals. Readers of the second edition of Drug Utilization Research will find: New chapters on methods, including more hands-on guidance on how to plan and conduct different types of drug utilizationA section on specific applications in areas such as psychotropics, opioids, cancer drugs, antibacterials, and cardiovascular drugsA new section with case studies illustrating applications of DUR in different continentsDetailed treatment of subjects including DUR and health policy, DUR in specific populations, and many more Drug Utilization Research is ideal for epidemiologists, pharmacists, physicians, nurses and others interested in drug use and its outcomes.
Discover the potential of 5G, 6G, and smart hospitals beyond connectivity in Smart Hospitals: 5G, 6G, and Moving Beyond Connectivity and learn how these advancements are revolutionizing healthcare and the digital world. The advancement of wireless communication technologies has revolutionized the way we connect and interact with the digital world. The introduction of 5G networks has paved the way for faster, more reliable, and low-latency wireless connections. However, as technology continues to evolve, the focus is now shifting toward exploring the future potential of 5G and 6G and their applications in various industries. One such industry that stands to benefit significantly from these advancements is healthcare, particularly with the concept of smart hospitals. The development of smart hospitals relies on IT infrastructure, software solutions, and data management systems. IT professionals and software developers work with healthcare professionals on designing and implementing systems that enable seamless connectivity, data integration, analytics, and security in smart hospital environments. Smart Hospitals: 5G, 6G, and Moving Beyond Connectivity delves into the potential of 5G, 6G, and smart hospitals, highlighting how they go beyond mere connectivity.