Anglais The Greening of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Theories and Solutions

À propos

This is the second volume in a four-volume series aimed at guiding the pharmaceutical industry toward sustainability. After analyzing and exposing some of the backward and ill-conceived notions that guide the present state of the industry, this volume presents key theories and new, groundbreaking solutions for re-thinking the processes involved in the engineering of pharmaceuticals and offers a fundamental paradigm shift. The 4 volumes in this ambitious project are: Volume 1: Practice, Analysis, and Methodology Volume 2: Theories and Solutions Volume 3: Applications for Mental Disorder Treatments Volume 4: Applications for Physical Disorder Treatments This ground-breaking set of books is a unique and state-of-the-art study that only appears here, within these pages.  A fascinating study for the engineer, scientist, and pharmacist working in the pharmaceutical industry and interested in sustainability, it is also a valuable textbook for students and faculty studying these subjects.

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    6 appareils

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    14 551 Ko

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    ebook (ePub)

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